
Smart Lists 2.0 (for Contacts)
GHL has recently added Smart Lists to a lot of areas in the CRM. This feature request is specifically related to Smart Lists for Contacts, the original place of Smart Lists. Many CRMs have Smart Lists. GHL has so many awesome and powerful features, but Smart Lists is a place where GHL has fallen short. The way Smart Lists currently function almost across the board is challenging, unforgiving, and unintuitive. Please completely overhaul Smart Lists because they have the potential to be one of the most powerful tools in GHL for outbound sales productivity. Here are some things that need to be done: Include Smart Lists in Snapshots This is a no-brainer. If Smart Lists are not in Snapshots, then that immediately makes them unusable in a scalable way for agencies. This is top priority in overhauling Smart Lists. Do Not Reorder Smart Lists Automatically When you have more than 5 Smart Lists, you have to access the remainder of your lists via the More button. However, when you do this, it will reorder your Smart Lists under the More button and make the one that you select #5. This is unintuitive and irritating to fix. Many customers and agencies would likely want their Smart Lists ordered in a custom way and for them not to be rearranged automatically. Make More Than 5 Smart Lists Visible On Top Bar Many of us have larger screens, and our screens could handle way more than 5 Smart Lists across the top bar. Please make it possible to view more than 5. Ideally, the Smart List top bar should be dynamic and show however many Smart Lists across the top that your screen can fit, with the more button remaining at the end. Include Smart Lists in Workflows Workflows/automation is the most powerful and important feature in GHL. It drives any well built agency's activity. Smart Lists on the Contact level should be an asset just like other assets: tags, email templates, trigger links, etc. Smart Lists should be usable in workflows. I know Smart Lists right now are based on certain selectable or editable criteria. Make it so you can tie a Smart List to a workflow, so that the Smart List becomes uneditable except via the workflow. And then the workflow can do it's magic, adding/removing contacts from the Smart List based on how you design the workflow. Hover Over a Smart List to Reveal a Description/Instructions This is a simple and straightforward feature that would be helpful. When I hover my mouse over a Smart List name, it should reveal more information about the Smart List, a description that we can modify. You could also include the criteria of the Smart List here., but it's more important to allow for a customizable description. Edit Smart List Name & Description in the Same Place as the Criteria It's tedious and unintuitive to have to click the Manage Smart Lists button to chance the Smart List name. It's fine to keep that feature, but it would be better if we could edit the Smart List name and description (see idea #5 above) in the same place where the criteria is editable. To take this a step further, it would be ideal if ALL Smart List editing (reordering, sharing, etc) could be done in one singular place (except for maybe editing Smart Lists that are tied to workflows, see idea #4 above). I'm sure there are other things that could be included. I will add more as I think of them.
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