
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We are excited to introduce recent enhancements to our Template Library that improves user experience and functionality.
Key Enhancements:
Migration to Federation Version of Media Library:
  • Benefits
    : We have upgraded the Media Library module to the latest Federation (MF) version.
  • Improvements:
    Enhanced User Interface (UI) for smoother navigation and usability.
Download Templates to a Folder:
  • Initial Problem:
    Previously, users had no method to download templates directly into a folder
  • Current Behaviour:
    Users can now download email and funnel templates directly into designated folders, aligning with user expectations for better organisation and ease of access.
We're excited to announce a new feature that lets users decide if they want to automatically enrol new customers as sub affiliates under the affiliate who brought them in after a successful sale.
👀 What’s New?
  • Campaign Setting:
    A toggle in campaign settings under "Additional Settings" to enable or disable the auto-enrollment of new customers as sub affiliates.
  • Global Setting:
    The same toggle can be configured in global settings, which will apply to all future campaigns you create.
👷 How It Works:
  1. Go to the Sub Account Affiliate Manager.
  2. Click on an existing campaign or create a new one.
  3. At the last step, expand "Additional Settings."
  4. Configure the toggle for "Auto Enrol New Customers as Sub Affiliates."
  5. Save and publish your changes.
🌟 Why it Matters:
Previously, all new customers who were brought in by an affiliate after a successful purchase were automatically converted to sub affiliates under that affiliate. With the introduction of various ways to recruit and add sub affiliates, users now have the flexibility to disable this automatic conversion. This helps users better manage how sub affiliates are created and keeps customer relationships separate if needed.
Click here for the detailed document and walkthrough video.




Calendly Event Importer

What's New?
You can now connect Calendly with GHL to
Calendly events
directly. This new feature helps you
utilize GHL’s full suite of tools
—contacts, conversations, automations, marketing, and more. With this integration, each new Calendly event will be imported into GHL, enabling you to take immediate actions and fully leverage GHL’s capabilities.
How to Use?
To connect your Calendly account, follow these simple steps:
  1. Navigate to 'Calendars' > 'Calendar Settings' > 'Connections.'
  2. Click on 'Add New.'
  3. Choose 'Calendly' and click 'Connect.'
  4. Complete the authentication process by signing into your Calendly account and granting the necessary access.
  5. Once your Calendly account is successfully connected, select the calendars from which you want to import events.
  6. Give consent to import your events by checking the consent box and clicking 'Save.'
  7. Your integration is now set up and ready to use.
Please Note:
Only events created in the selected calendars after the integration was set up will be imported into the system.
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We’re excited to announce a powerful new feature in the Sub Account Affiliate Manager: Affiliate Level Commission Settings!
👀 What’s New?
  • Ability to set custom commission rates for individual affiliates within a campaign.
  • Override campaign-level commission settings with affiliate-specific settings.
  • Flexibility to manage affiliate commissions more effectively.
👷 How It Works:
  1. Go to the Sub Account Affiliate Manager.
  2. Navigate to the Affiliate Page and select the affiliate.
  3. Scroll down to the "Active Referral Link" section and click on "Customize" for the campaign where you want to configure the commission settings.
  4. Switch to the "Commissions" tab.
  5. Configure the affiliate level commissions.
  6. Save your changes.
🌟 Why it Matters:
This feature allows users to fine-tune commission settings for individual affiliates without needing to create separate campaigns. For example, if a campaign offers a default 40% commission but you want to offer a special 50% commission to a particular affiliate, you can do so easily. This ensures that different affiliates can have tailored commission structures, improving management and rewarding top performers more effectively.
📌 Imp Notes:
  1. Affiliate level commission settings will always take precedence over campaign-level settings for commission calculation.
  2. Users cannot change tiers in the affiliate profile settings. The tier dropdown will be disabled; changes must be made in campaign settings.
  3. Currently, only affiliate campaigns where the source is a funnel or website support this feature.
Click here for the detailed help document and walkthrough video.
You can now enable auto payments on invoices that are send with Payment Schedule
What's new?
  • Automate payments for invoices with scheduled payment plans.
  • While clicking on send for invoice, enable auto-payments
  • Start charging automatically for subsequent payments on scheduled payment dates
How to Use?
  • Set up auto-payments: Enable auto-payments while sending your invoice which have a payment schedule
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Why we built it?
  • You will no longer have to depend on recurring invoices to charge customers automatically. You can now add a payment schedule to your invoice.
We have made few changes to the Twilio Validation Error trigger
  • The trigger is renamed as "Number Validation".
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COD and Manual Payment methods were tied up in a condition where it would work only when an online payment method is setup
  • Users can now set up COD and Manual Payment Methods independently, without needing to set up an online payment method.
  • This enhancement removes the previous requirement of configuring an online payment method to access Manual Payment Methods.
Things to be noted:
  • To configure existing accounts for COD-only stores, users need to disconnect the default payment provider and retain only manual payment methods.
  • COD and Manual Payment Methods will not be supported for
    Recurring Products
We are thrilled to announce the ability to clone affiliate campaigns within a sub account!
👀 What’s New?
  • Option to clone any existing affiliate campaign
  • Option to keep the affiliates in the new campaign or not
👷 How It Works:
  1. Go to the Sub Account Affiliate Manager.
  2. Click on Campaigns.
  3. For the campaign you want to clone, click on the three dots.
  4. Choose "Clone Campaign."
  5. Decide if you want to keep the affiliates.
  6. Click on Save.
  7. The new cloned campaign will be inactive. You can publish it after making the required finishing touches.
🌟 Why it Matters:
This feature saves you time by allowing you to reuse configurations and settings from existing affiliate campaigns, streamlining the process of campaign creation.
Click here for the detailed help document and walkthrough video.
We've revamped the bulk delete and restore functionality for contacts, introducing some user experience enhancements. This update increases reliability and efficiency, especially for large contact lists.
Key Features:
Updated Bulk Delete and Restore Architecture:
Ensures smooth operation for deleting and restoring large volumes of contacts.
Enhanced UX:
Improved bulk action modal for a better user experience.
Updated Stats Modal:
Added new Stats modals for Delete and Revert to monitor the action better
Added New Limits:
Going forward, we support processing up to 120,000 contacts per hour.
How to Access:
  • This feature is currently under Labs. Navigate to Subaccounts > Bulk Delete New Architecture to enable and configure.
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  • Select multiple contacts and click on the "Delete" action to delete multiple contacts at once
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  • You can restore the deleted contacts by clicking on the kebab (3 dots) menu on the right and clicking on "Restore"
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We're excited to introduce powerful new filters for your dashboard widgets: Contact Source and Opportunity Source!
👀 What’s New?
  • Contact Source:
    A new "Source" filter added to contact widgets.
  • Opportunity Source:
    A new "Source" filter added to opportunity widgets.
  • Table widget:
    Both properties are added as columns for table widgets and granular insights
👷 How It Works:
  1. Enter Edit mode on your Dashboard.
  2. Click on "Add Widget."
  3. Choose any widget from the Contacts or Opportunity category.
  4. Switch to the Conditions tab.
  5. Add a condition and select "Source."
  6. Configure the widget settings as per your requirements.
  7. Save your changes.
🌟 Why it Matters:
These new filters give you greater control over the widgets and insights on your dashboard. Create custom widgets for different contact or opportunity sources to gain deeper understanding and actionable insights.
To learn more about custom widgets, click here!
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