
🚨Fonts on GHL website takes long time to load (or don't) - Bad User experience !
Need the GHL team to have a look at this !! ;) Hi guys ! I looked on different websites created with ghl and ALL OF THEM have this loading time between a font (which we don't want) and the font we choose (in the site builder). I don't see this on any other CMS (wordpress, webflow, wix,...). The websites created by them are all smooth and do not have any fonts to load. (or don't take time to load so we don't see it) The problem ? 1) The font takes 2/3/4 seconds to load every time we open a new page of the website. 2) Sometimes (it depends on the browser and the place from which the website is opened... Google, safari, google maps, firefox,...), and most of the time on mobile view (which is most important), the font loads perfectly on the first page but when we open another page it does not load at all and we therefore end up with a site which has a completely different font. We need to refresh the page for the font to load (which website visitors don't do). (see video) IN SUMMARY, the font takes a few seconds to download or simply does not download. which ruins the user experience on the beautiful website we are able to create on ghl ;) EDIT: I think I found where the problem comes from. This is a FONTAWESOME link called "fa-brands-400.woff2" and "fa-solid-900.woff2". (see screenshot) I don't know if they are necessary for websites. but why doesn't the ghl team just remove this font (link) on all the website? It will be much smoother to have only 1 font loading than to have a first font and then the second one loading...
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