Save attachments to contact document
under review
Media SaleX
I hope that the GHL system can automatically save attachments from WhatsApp conversations to the contact's document for archiving and tracking purposes.
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Muhammad Ali
Can we not access incoming attachments from whatsapp in GHL, and send attachments using API from GHL?
Puru Bansal
Its available in labs but manually today. Will work towards the automatic switch
Paul Read
Puru Bansal How do we avoid saving all those crappy little attachments like social media icons, signatures etc?
Fabio Romero
Super importante. Que los contactos guarden los documentos y imagenes automaticamente en el CRM.
Juve Hernandez
I'd like to be able to send/receive PDF documents. As it is right now, we the mobile app can't access such douments
Umar Ranginwala
under review