Allow sub-account users to set their default sub-account
Clare Lewis
There are a number of users with access to multiple sub-accounts, some they use more than others. They can pin their favorite or most used locations to their list from the dropdown but can't set a default to open when they open their dashboard, so it will open one they rarely use but still need access to. Allowing a user to select their default sub account so that one opens first would avoid this.
Log In
Chris Russell
This is huge! Suprised it's not already a feature. We are a whitelabel and have VAs that manage multiple clients of ours. But there is no rule as to who's account it opens up when they first log back in. So it's easy for them to think they are in their own account and start messing with stuff. Or at the very least allow us to set a "heirarchy" so if they manage a sub-account, then they can "log-in as" that sub account admin. Which would essentially limit their sub account to that one.