Social Media post by user, not by 'Lead Connector'
Shelley Leary
Currently when using the social media planner, the post suggests that it was made by "Lead Connector", it would look much more personal if it could say post by the name of the user creating the post, or any other name.
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Heidi Wruck
Yes, as Social Media Management as part of our serivce offerings, this is super important to be posted by the user whose account it belongs to - not the user posting, but the person whose account it belongs to - so if we bring a client on, and they connect their accounts using their integration, then the post needs to be from the owner of that integration.
This is standard and fundemental with other social media schduling platforms.
Jim Kadingo
Wow... i dont use this festure as i have third party software but thats crazy. I would never even try it til this is resolved.