Proposal for Multiple Logo Overlay Feature in Social Post Editor
Rodolfo De Angeli
I’d like to suggest adding a feature that allows users to have multiple logos. This would allow us to add the right color logo depending on the creatives and/or background.
This feature would greatly enhance the efficiency of creating branded content even more.
Thank you for considering this improvement!
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Keith Besherse
Yes. Advanced options > Apply Watermark.
But, reverse color and monochrome options would be a great addition!
Sales & Marketing Core Platform Shivam HighLevel
Rodolfo De Angeli
Keith Besherse Thanks for letting me know. I was referring to being able to add our logo to it rather than just the text
Keith Besherse
Rodolfo De Angeli, can you show me what you mean?
Rodolfo De Angeli
Keith Besherse that is exactly what i mean. I don't have that on mine... hmm??
Rodolfo De Angeli
Keith Besherse I found it!! Friggen legend man. Thank you!!
Keith Besherse
Rodolfo De Angeli, You are welcome Sir
Rodolfo De Angeli
Keith Besherse you can barely keep up with all the updates. lol