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Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
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Schedule a post for different day/time on different platforms
Ed Erickson
Ability to schedule a post at different times on each platform without having to duplicate and edit.
Sales & Marketing
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Recurring Posts
Jake Shannon
GHL doesn't seem to be able to schedule RECURRING posts (e.g., repeat post every X weeks until Y) in the Social Media Manager. This is a big feature for me and why I currently use Sendible. I would need to learn how to set recurring social media posts before I consider cancelling my Sendible subscription.
Sales & Marketing
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Social Media Posting Queue (Repost, Shuffle, Categories & Time slots, & Analytics)
Javier Roche
It would be great to be able to create different post categories like (self-promotion posts, blogs, articles, questions, funny, etc.) in order to organize social media posts for our clients. Also, the ability to create a queue where posts can be re-posted after being moved to the bottom of the queue so we never run out of posts. The ability to shuffle queues is an idea to keep things fresh as well. Time slots for categories is helpful so we can post something from our "Funny" category every Friday at noon (for example).
David Hall
We should be able to build a queue and categorize posts. Allow setting up posting days/times similar to many other social posting software where we can create evergreen posts that will cycle through each one until it reaches the end and then shuffle and recycle. With social media companies reducing the viewership of organic posts, a single post could be posted many times and still not be seen by all of the followers. Allowing us to set posts as evergreen or one-time would be a huge addition to the software and make the platform a MUCH better place to focus on social media as part of our overall strategy.
Ricardo Maluf
That alone would be the best feature on the market.
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Colleen McCartney
OMG YASSS!! THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN! We use SmarterQueue and wanna replace it!
Mitchell Benson
We have used Cloud Campaign for scheduling posts before. a great feature is, you can "tag" Content, then create a schedule for that content.
Example is: motivation Monday - you can create 20 motivational Monday posts, tag them each with "motivational Monday" & they all fall into the schedule to post every Monday at a specified time.
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