Booking multiple guest in calendar at the same time
Raymond Correa
I am trying to book and appointment with multiple guests at the same time and have them all get the invitation and ALL automated reminders. I was on with several Sr. support members an was told that I can only add 1 person at a time through the calendar and would have to add other guests either through gmail/outlook but they wont get automated reminders. This is an important feature because most of my meetings include several executives of a company I work with or am prospecting. Please get this fixed. Its a standard feature with almost all calendar providers including Calendy. Thanks
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Francisco Llave
Hello Raymond Correa, there's a workaround to allow this.
You can include a form in the calendar where additional guests can be entered. Then you could have a workflow that triggers based on "new appointment" and create an additional appointment to the form values.
Since creating appointments in the workflows is not supported natively. Then, you need to install the marketplace app "Create Appointment for workflows".
If you need help send me an email at