Use Company Name for New SaaS Location
Dustin Miller
It would be great to be able to have the Company Name as the Location name since it currently uses a person's name and my team doesn't always know which company an account is associated with.
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Andres Lombana
Any updates on this?? this is very important for B2B
Please send to development
Lisa at Online Solutions
This would be great, and avoid email's asking if the Account Name is stuck that way.
This happens so often that I have an email that goes out with a video of how to change it immediately to avoid support tickets over & over for all new accounts.
Wesly Downs
Planned for awhile, did this get scratched?
Aryan Goyal
Merged in a post:
Create Sub Accounts from COMPANY NAME not First/Last Names
Babak Bavardi
Currently, all sub accounts created with SaaS mode are created using the client's first/last name.
Its super hard to navigate from sub account to sub account when we're dealing with companies...
Ross Flatley
Yea, it would make more sense to create the account using the Company Name. This is very annoying.
Rebecca Kallaus
I'm hoping that with this in planning mode, that GHL is building a way to be able to allow the agency to choose how to label a subaccount that is internal only? We have a lot of solopreneuers, so we actually prefer when it is someone's name - when they change it to their business name, it is so hard for us to figure out how to find their account. We have to go into agency settings, team, find the user, and then see what subaccount is attached to them, just to find their account... Having either a subaccount search bar that searches subaccount admin name OR location name would be really helpful, or for the agency to privately edit the name of a subaccount so we can easily navigate for our clients.
Marc Laframboise
Yes, and use the company name for the Stripe client name generated as well.
Stephen Bostian
and it actually populates the Friendly Business Name field like "Bob Smith's Account". With any automations in place - via snapshot - this weird "company name" could populate websites, email templates, etc. until client fixes it. I've been pushing GHL to just get company name to populate the receipt....that would be a start : )
Dima N
There should be a login imho;
By default use company name
If company name is blank
use full name
RevEx Group
David Russell
RevEx Group Been in planning for quite a while now.
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