Centralization for franchise / groups / chains
Iver Aune
➕ Create a new tab in the agency-level settings called "Centralization".
✅ Let us create several centralization's within our agency. Add a "Create centralization" button. Then let us select a "master sub-account", the sub-accounts we want to connect and what features we would like to centralize.
✅ Add a option for franchises, groups and chains to make this a standard. A "Apply to all" button or something like that. Then let us select a "master sub-account" and what features we would like to centralize. Also, let us adjust the centralized feature for each sub-account for flexibility.
👆🏼 This is btw the feature I would use, since we will create a dedicated $497 account for the plumbing group with 450 plumbing companies we are helping.
Features we would like to centralize:
🔨 Create new product / update product
🔨 Ability to schedule media posts
🔨 Ablity to update Global Website sections across
🔨 Centralized dasboard, stats and reports
🔨 Centralized pre-sets of colors, saved buttons, media library, etc
🔨 A easy way to share resources like workflows, etc?
🔨 A dedicated template library?
Other features that can be centralized?
Log In
Aryan Goyal
Merged in a post:
Sub-Account Groups/Folders
Ivette Dominguez
Is it possible to create folders within the agency settings to organize sub-accounts? This would be helpful for companies with multiple sub-contractors, allowing us to group them together under a designated folder for better organization. Additionally, as our agency plans to sell our SaaS product, having the ability to group all SaaS accounts together would streamline management.
Aryan Goyal
Merged in a post:
Categorize Sub-Accounts
Jason Levine, NREMT
For the love of god there needs to be a way for us to categorize the subaccounts. Most people have a subaccount for each snapshot they have and that number can range in the hundreds or even thousands, making it damn near impossible for you to easily see your actual clients accounts
Istvan Kovalkovits
Yes we would love to have something similar to this:
Michael Angrave
This is a great idea, would provide immense value to the system for sure. Please can you implement this guys.
Andrew Peters
This would be amazing. It would also make it a lot easier to brand subaccounts with a different business.
Keith Besherse
Chase Buckner & Shivam HighLevel, which product town hall would discuss this agency-level UI feature?
Every one of these suggestions…
Kamal Hussain
Makes more than sense!! Any multi location business needs this... A must have!
John Betterr
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Centralize, centralize, centralize, centralize, centralize, centralize X 1000.
Centralize at the company level
AND --- Centralize at the agency level!
Marketing agencies don't just sell GHL. They offer marketing services. Tasks being assigned within the agency that need to be divied out and completed on behalf of all agency clients - is another example of centralization currently not comtemplated and fully missed with GHL.
Restructure GHL for centralization, and you will 5X efficiencies... and create a whole new degree of freedom. I wish somebody at GHL could see how strategically, this improves the entire GHL experience immensely.
If I was the CEO of GHL for a year...
I would be....
1) focused on removing structural impediments like location silos as one of my top 5 priorities (this would include reducing the friction in GHL navigation for newbies and even experienced users). The other four priorities would be...
2) becoming an industry leader in mciro-modular data representation,
3) modularizing the CRM and mobile app into lego-like pieces,
4) identifying and targeting strategic marketplace development, and
5) extending GHLs lead as a place for Saaspreneurs looking to grow their income.
Keith Besherse
Folders for the sub-accounts tab (to group clients by categories of choice) and/or the ability to sort by plan type and active/inactive status would be very helpful.
Karen Cundiff
I too need this capability.
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