Review Request System Enhancements
in progress
Waira Mendoza
The current review request system works okay, though there is a lot of room for improvement in order to compete with other reputation management platforms out there. These are my top recommended review system enhancements:
- Provide the ability to trigger review requests just like any other triggers. Currently review requests can only be sent manually via the "check in," button, or after a timed delay. This does not work for customers who should be sent a review request at some point in the future. Give us the ability to trigger a "review request," within the trigger actions.
- Disable the "check in," button. This button is useless for many types of businesses that don't necessarily "check in," their customers. Point #1 would also render this button not needed as we could then automate review requests based on triggers.
- Ability to customize and create follow up text and email messages within the review request feature. The majority of reviews online will not come from the first request. Allowing us to create follow up messages will increase the number of reviews we can generate for our customers.
- Provide a trigger for "New Review Received," which would allow to send an email notification to our clients whenever a new review has been detected by the system on Facebook or Google. (The system is already tracking these reviews and allows us to respond to them from within the platform). This is a very standard feature on all rep management software.
- Lastly, with follow up sequences we would need the ability to stop the remaining sequences in the campaign as soon as someone clicks on the review link. This could certainly be accomplished with trigger links, but it might be beneficial to have this feature be build natively into the Review Request system.
NOTE: All of this could be achieved also by eliminating the "Review Request," email and text feature and simply connecting the Review Request tracking tab with the regular campaigns. This way we could customize as many follow ups as we want and send them out and they would be tracked within the Review Requests tab.
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Frank Obregon
What's this "check-in" button?? -- I see it all over the place on relatively older videos and screenshots (something deprecated I assume), but what was the point of it?
Dustin Keeslar
I also want to be able to trigger a workflow when a review request is sent. Or simply being able to add a tag would be huge!
Linn Kloster
Great suggestions! Would also love to see a Custom Value be created for the Review Request link so this can be used in workflow emails/SMS/etc. easily
Keith Besherse
Linn Kloster, great addition.
Kara Rogan
Also would love to see the ability to connect a different email to
Review email. The send review trigger and other features are great but useless when theres only one email that can possibly be connected to it. Being able to edit the review email is great but when managing dozens upon dozens of subaccounts, I have to individually edit and update so many of these review emails. Would just be nice to be able to build out my own email and link it in the reputation manager as the
review email. Orrr be able to push edits from one review email out to multiple subaccounts.C
Cooper Stephenson
This, but also the ability to have the review request email going to a funnel, to be able to segment out negative sentiment, collect feedback via forms for negative experiences, and collect reviews for positive experiences. Currently I cannot send out a review request using the reputation feature because the email does not contain a review link
Keith Besherse
Item 5 would be easily accomplished if we had Item 4. The first action of a Workflow triggered by Review Received would be Remove from Review Request Workflow.
Shaun Clark, I am sure there must be a significant technical issue with the concept of Review Received. But this one is incredibly confusing. With the rush to field new features, why has this Trigger been left in limbo for so long? Knowing when a review comes in and taking immediate action seems like a core capability of any Rep Mgmt sys.
Keith Besherse
Item 2 should be an optional toggle. For those businesses where a "check in now" or "send review request" button makes operational sense, we should have the option to continue offering it.
Clay Lawrence
Yes please bring back the new review added trigger! You can even lock a response via GBP to make sure you're still making the .08 on the review repsonse.
But with this we could use the message to create amazing custom reporting dashboards that track named reviews from the message.
Because right now we can't do anything with the custom dashboard regarding reviews we have to use the reputation tab that doesn't really cut it.
Track the average quality of the review etc. this would be a game changer.
Also allow for the baked in review request function for the text messages allow to add and image via custom values and a url so we can use merge tags in the images.
Thanks can't wait for this!
Team Infologic
Yes - All this, plus: Fix the "Send Review Request" feature for manually sending review requests by:
- Fix the search function for manually sending reviews. Currently, it seems to only work if you search by first name. Searching by last name or by phone number doesn't yield any results.
- allow sending review requests to any email or phone number, not just limited by contacts. This would be useful for quickly testing or just simply convenience.
Caleb Cody
All this! PLEASE <3
Dustin Miller
Would be amazing if we can add tags to Reviews like Podium does. The use case is that business owners reward their staff based on how many reviews they get. Podium even has a leaderboard and date range filter. It's pretty cool actually.
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