Gather customer email and phone number after payment
Matthew Morales
On mobile payments, after someone has paid, it should automatically ask for the customers email and phone number to send a receipt. This will allow us to gather loyalty and information easier from customers.
Use case: I sell a sandwich to a customer. It asks them for a tip, they pay, and the screen says “email receipt- text receipt”
Automatically saves to contacts and adds to loyalty program
Log In
Urvash Singh
Merged in a post:
Tap-to-Pay Reviews Connection
Josh Krause
I would love for people to enter in their phone number when checking out and then it can send them a receipt, review request, etc. This would be great for so many purposes. It would connect customers with the system for texts, reminders, etc.
Urvash Singh
Merged in a post:
customer receipts POS
Sylvester Leach
A way to add a customers email if non was entered when the charge was approved and the sale was made - to be able to give them a proper receipt to the customer on the spot - also to be able to link the customer to that transaction that was just made.
David List
This would be a great feature