Leaderboard, Points, Gamification for Memberships
Alphonso BN
Each Lesson in a Course/Product completed earns the user a number of PointsLeaderboard for the user that has completed the maximum number of courses/points.
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Keith Besherse
Samuel Robinson
It will be a game changer to add the ability to attach sounds, videos, and pop-ups when a trigger on custom activities is completed, like in Xperencifiy.
Inside courses
Leaderboard actions
Points levels
course completions
Welcome to the portal and course
Keith Besherse
- Admin &/o Moderator should have ability to move a post from a public channel to a private channel (or hidden channel when we get that third tier).
- There should be a middle member tier (moderator) who can manage conversations and member status (restrict &/o ban) but not change group settings.
- The Admin should be able to hide the Chat and Invite Members buttons and also hide the member list from regular Contributors.
As an engagement community the current state is a good bicycle (on the skateboard > bicycle > motorcycle > subcompact car > sedan > sports sedan continuum). As a client portal it is too public!
Keith Besherse
Lbeats Prod
We need to have it to were we can remove points too. I accidently gave someone too many points and now they are ranked at a level that they did not earn and I cannot fix this.
Himaani J
This is so badly needed for sure, along with detailed planning!
Keith Besherse
Himaani J, can you describe "detailed planning" in detail so the development team can give you what you want?
Brooks Golden
YES! Unlock levels for completing courses (or course modules).
It's a feature that Skool doesn't have that would make Kollab so much more powerful. For example, something that GHL could uniquely do is award levels in automations based on triggers for custom achievements.
We would switch our paid community to GHL immediately. Levels based on engagement is great for a free community, but in a paid community, it's more about getting them to do the work.
Keith Besherse
Brooks Golden, yes. Doing the work and the ability of the admin to see that progress at a glance right before the coaching call...
Keith Besherse
Gamification should have the flexibility to incentivize the behavior the group owner wants.
Right now it ONLY incentivizes user-generated content. It does not incentivize engagement with host-generated content. For example, responding to a poll posted by the host should be more valuable than posting a meme that is humorous but off topic.
And, more importantly when the community is learning focused, it totally ignores the courses. There should be incentives for completing course material.
The community owner should be able to specify value of particular course content and particular posts. Shivam HighLevel Chase Buckner
Scott Walter
Much needed after 4 years
Cathy Thomas
We need more characters 15 isnt' enough and there is no way to add a link
Keith Besherse
Ability to edit levels and point values.
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