Auto-Throttle SMS on Error/Optout to Protect Sender Reputation
Will Winter
SMS marketing is getting harder... many hoops to jump through. We can educate our users better about sending habits, but some people are just going to be ignorant/reckless and get themselves in A2P jail...
Proposed Development: Auto-Throttle/Paus Campaign
When system detects a campaign resulting in a high outout rate, it will auto throttle or pause that campaign to protect the account from being blocked.
Additionally, when error codes from a campaign increase and threaten to trigger the Error based suspension, do the same thing.
Also would be helpful to have more visibility of metrics/notifications on campaigns that need to be adjusted. For example, I'd want place to see which campaigns are messing up my optout rate the most. Bonus would be to have AI based suggested revisions to messages to train users how to avoid high optouts/30007 error messages.
Most users are completely unaware of their Opt-Out/Error rates until it is too late, then they get mad at the agency... If GHL could develop tools to protect the users from being dumb, that would be huge!
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Jim Warren
Yes, this is really needed. The lack of transparency with SMS issues is infuriating and quite honestly disrespetful to those of us who are paying for the service.