We have a dedicated domain for workflows. Anytime an email is sent via a workflow, it is sent through this domain and applies the default headers (name/email) assigned to that domain. I just created a new workflow with an email action. We would like that email to be sent from a different header than what is currently on the workflow domain. Unfortunately, the "From Name" and "From Email" fields in an email action do not override the workflow domain header.
Currently, you can assign more than one domain as a workflow domain. This splits the frequency up of which domain a workflow chooses as its sending domain.
For example: You're sending 100 emails through a workflow and you have a 50% frequency for both domains, each one will send 50 emails.
It would be nice to override the default headers with the headers in email actions OR if you have multiple dedicated domains configured to be workflow domains, you have the choice of picking only a single one of those domains to use for a specific workflow.