Modify Invoices
Jakin Harper
Quotes/estimates are subject to change. Can we, especially on partially paid invoices, modify the total outstanding?
Job quoted > Invoice (30% deposit) paid > Job started > Tech recognizes other work required to be done & informs client > Tech modifies invoice to include additional costs incurred > Job completes > Client sent modified invoice to include additions.
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Sales & Marketing
Jakin Harper
Sales & Marketing Where's the release notes on this?
Seth Williamson
Hopefully this gets solved soon. I've actually been fighting to keep a client that loves everything but the invoicing is so ridged it tanks their reputation and they've been talking about leaving for a while now. This will literally save me one of my biggest clients.
Ashley DePiano
This needs to be an available feature. Especially now that partial pay is available. Sometimes even after some of the invoice was paid, the total changes or new items need to be added on, which will change the total.
Matt Porter
#1 priority for our clients!
Tiyana Robinson
We also need to be able to change the invoice title after sending. I just caught a typo in the title of an invoice I just sent out and am bummed that I can change it. Embarrassing 🙈
Isaac Danna
Just checking to see if there's an update on this. Missed the last payments Town Hall.
Lisa Johnson
Sales & Marketing - any update on this? Starting 2025 with this would help immensely
Christy Allison
While making these updates, please include the ability to modify a the name of a live invoice. Thank you!
Matt Conta
We 100% need this feature also. In our case we need to be able to edit future due dates especially on partially paid invoices.
John Gille
Please fix this ASAP so invoices can be edited after being sent. I've never seen an invoicing system with this big of a flaw, no idea how this went live without the ability to edit any and all aspects of an invoice. To accommodate clientss bookkeeping requests, I've been having to go back and refund old invoices and reprocess them with a new, corrected invoice and it's basically rendered the entire invoicing tool useless for me and my clients.
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