Donations / Name Your Price Option
Tim Steckel
When asking for donations people often want to name their own price.
Currently every product needs a specific price.
They want to be able to choose the amount that they donate during the checkout process / when they fill out the form.
This enhancement would make it possible to leave the price field empty and have the user enter the amount of money they wish to send.
This way we would be able to track and record donations better inside Highlevel.
Currently the only way to accept donations is to pre-define amounts but this is not flexible enough.
This feature could also be used for "name your own price" products where the seller wants to leave it up to the customer how much they want to pay.
I think this type of field can be used to accept tips. People would be able to define the amount of tip they want to leave by entering the amount in this field during checkout.
Thanks for considering this.
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Mark Felling
I'm going to be very specific to be as helpful as possible...
We also need name your price capability in Products and Memberships. Example I can create a donate product with 5 tiers of suggested monthly donation. It would be best to let the donor specify if it is a one-time donation, monthly, quarterly, or annual with the default being monthly. Then they fill in the amount. but some may want to show a few example teirs and then the last option one that the customer can specify the amount. This actually works in marketing for many things other than non-profits or donation. i.e. suggest your own price or what you're willing to pay or what you think it's worth.
Another area is memberships. This again applies to both nonprofits and for-profit organizations. Something Patreon leverages also. Many Patreon
High quality content creators said they actually receive more than they would have if they had specified an amount. Same on YouTube subscribers/supporters. The supporter can specify how much the membership is worth to them. Obviously choices here would have to be limited to monthly, quarterly or annual billing options. If the member had the ability to adjust the amount of their support/donation/ membership contribution at any time by increasing or decreasing or stopping would be nice.
Obviously the tools for community and courses/training for supporting /donating members of the nonprofit are already there. Just need the ability to let the member decide how much and how often rather than us deciding it for them in advance.
Thank you for listening and providing the CAPABILITY IN FORMS. But it would be best to not have this be complete but just the first stage.
Sales & Marketing
This is live in forms
Keith Besherse
Sales & Marketing: I non-concur. Does not allow recurring...
Ryan Jenkins
Keith Besherse: that probably needs to be a separate feature request
Keith Besherse
Ryan Jenkins: Fabulous idea!
Bob Zhang
Question, with this feature can the price be "0" which means free?
Bob Zhang
We are working with World Financial Group, a Financial Service Company where agents don't charge clients with the financial plan they are building and the products they put into the plan but when clients move forward with the plan then agents gets paid through the platform's backend. I want to be able to use HighLevel Proposal to send to our clients the plan and the products that we are recommended, but I don't want to show there is a cost with the plan. If they move forward with the product they will need to do a application with the companies we are appointed with. Our business make sure agents are not touching any money, it is commission based, agents are getting paid on the backside of the platform.
Bob Zhang
Is there a way to still put the products into the HighLevel System and I just want to list the products on the proposal and send the proposal to clients. Just to track which clients I recommended what products.
Bob Zhang
Can you elaborate this a little bit more? Do you mean not to use the products feature and proposal feature in the HighLevel?
Bob Zhang
Here is a screenshots of different products added, you can see a lot of them are insurance products where we get paid by the commission.
Bob Zhang
How to get the form data, survey data, custom fields data and the proposal connected? I would like to have a place to list out all of my Insurance products, I thought the product module is a great place. However the price is an issue. I would like to keep the price to be 0
Bob Zhang
Were you suggesting to use the table feature and customized value to add products detail into the estimate?
Bob Zhang
What would you say it is the difference between estimate and proposal? Why would you use Estimates function, instead of proposal?
Keith Besherse
Bob Zhang: I have not used Proposals & Estimates for a client (only done internal testing for my own learning). You can contact me directly. This is not the right forum for this discussion.
I am saying you could create an Email Template which includes the selected products rather than use the Proposals & Estimates Tool.
Sales & Marketing
in progress
Tony Juays
Sales & Marketing: Just curious, when an idea moves to "In Progress" normally how long does it take to be Complete.
Tony Juays
Thanks Keith for your insight!
Sean Littman
I built something specifically for this if anybody is interested. I am building my SAAS out for nonprofits and am in the process of doing a crowdfunding integration as well. Happy to talk with anybody interested
Eric Louw
Sean Littman: I'm currently trying to do this. Would love to know more.
Tracy Wittenkeller
Sean Littman Hello Zeesha. i'd like to connect about this.
Sean Littman
Tracy Wittenkeller email me
Sean Littman
Eric Louw email me
Sean Littman
Eric Louw just to update you, we just finished doing a build that has a full-blown donor management system built in and connected with GHL along with a donation form that does recurring donations. We are working on the peer 2 peer functions as well but this was a big build that we got done and running in a weeks time.
Nicholas Lombardi
Sean Littman hi can i learn more please
Mark Felling
Sean Littman interested to find out more? Do you have a website or something about this custom build add-on with donor management?
Sean Littman
Mark Felling sure! people have been in love with our system email me
Ralph Perez
Any updates on this feature?
Darold Tolin
We need this feature ASAP Please
Sean Littman
Darold Tolin if it is still needed please email me
Jodi Luster
I specialize in non-profit develoment and my non profit clients need and request this all the time. I am trying to offer them go-highlevel as a all in one solution for growing their agency so this is a MUST!
Sean Littman
Jodi Luster just to update you, we just finished doing a build that has a full-blown donor management system built in and connected with GHL along with a donation form that does recurring donations. We are working on the peer 2 peer functions as well but this was a big build that we got done and running in a week. We effectively have turned GHL into a nonprofit management system if you are interested to see it shoot me an email
Earl James
Sean Littman I'm very interested in hearing more. I'll send you an email!
Adhirat Admin
Please Add a attractive three step donation form option . Non profit organisations prefer this.
A sample donation link.
Step 1: it should allows the user to choose the donation amount and donation frequency such as one-time/ weekly/ monthly/ yearly
Step 2: user information.
Step 3: Payment information.
Also, option to specify whether its a tax deductible donation/not & custom receipt.
Sean Littman
Adhirat Admin: I built something like this we have our clients using it.
Test Test
Also, a very important part would be to allow the person to give reoccurring donations of a certain amount on their selected date each month.
Sean Littman
Test Test I built this and we have it as part of our snapshot for nonprofits email me
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