Add subscription when using "CHARGE NOW" in customer contact payments tab
Salena Knight
Currently you can charge a card, but you can not add the client to a subscription.
This means that there is a manual process of having to create a separate subscription for the remaining payments (less that initial payment taken).
As sales teams generally don't deal with this back end process, admin have to be notified a clients needs to be manually added to a subscription in Stripe, easily leading to errors and oversight and lost/late payments
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Sales & Marketing
Cheryl Condon
YES...We need to be able to set up a subscription and charge first payment TODAY and then each additional month would be scheduled going forward according to which date we chose
Christopher Neustedter
Add any product to the Charge Now button in the Customer Contact Payments Tab would be highly useful. Kinda seems like a major oversight that you can't select a product to charge.