Subject: Request for Outscraper Integration with Go High Level CRM
Dear Outscraper Dev Team,
I hope this message finds you well. As a new user of both Outscraper and experienced user of Go High Level (GHL), I am writing to request a critical enhancement that would significantly improve our workflow and data management.
The Request: Integration Between Outscraper and GHL CRM
  1. Data Extraction and Upload: We propose developing an integration that allows data extracted from Outscraper to be seamlessly uploaded directly into GHL. This would eliminate manual data entry, reduce errors, and enhance overall efficiency.
  2. Field Mapping: To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend that the integration includes field mapping capabilities. Specifically, the database fields in Outscraper should be formatted to match the contact fields in GHL. This alignment would streamline the data transfer process and maintain consistency across platforms.
  3. Custom Fields (TAGS): Additionally, we would like the ability to add custom fields, such as TAGS, during the data upload. These TAGS would allow us to easily identify the source of the data within GHL, providing valuable context for our team.
  • Efficiency: Automating data transfer between Outscraper and GHL would save us valuable time and resources.
  • Accuracy: With field mapping, we can ensure data consistency and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Contextual Insights: Custom fields (TAGS) would enhance our understanding of each contact's origin.
Why This Matters:
As our business grows, managing data efficiently becomes increasingly crucial. The proposed integration aligns perfectly with our goal of optimising processes and delivering exceptional service to our clients.
We kindly request that the development team at Outscraper consider implementing this integration. We believe it would benefit not only our organization but also other users who rely on both platforms.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to a positive response and the possibility of enhancing our CRM capabilities.
Best regards,
Mark Philpott