Enhancement - Merge Fields for Product Information
Support Team
Please give us merge fields for product information. This should be a comprehensive set of merge fields.
Fields to include:
(First choose the product) Product name, product description, monthly price, yearly price, monthly/yearly price setup fee cost, monthly/yearly compare at price.
I'm sure there are more I'm missing. But these merge fields would be very helpful. They would allow us to build email templates for products that never need to be changed. We can simply change the pricing or description or whatever, and then our emails would adapt.
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Jen Anne
I think you're referring to Custom Values?
Support Team
Jen Anne No I'm not. I'm referring to GHL provided merge fields inside of the Email Builder.
Jen Anne
Support Team You can also make custom fields for any of those that you mentioned.
Support Team
Jen Anne I'm talking about dynamic custom fields that GHL automatically generates. Every time a product is made, GHL already has access to this information. We shouldn't have to make custom fields for it. We should be able to choose merge fields for product information automatically for every product we have.
I want to build an email template that has info for a specific product in it, and uses merge fields for that product info. Then I can just edit the product itself, and the email template will automatically be adjusted. This would save a ton of time modifying email templates.