Ability for Store Owners to Manually Sort Products in the Online Store
Mariah | FG Funnels Support Team
This is a common request we get from our community members. They want to be able to sort the exact order of products within their online store. So they can control what ends up on each page of the store and in what order the product show on the page. They want to be able to select if the page is organized A to Z by default, or if they can just manually arrange the products.
Right now the products only show in the order in which the products were created.
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Merged in a post:
Allow ability to re order products in store
Rachel Steinmetz
Instead of forcing products to be listed in order of which they were created. Simple three bar drag and drop feature in products section themselves would be great! (Otherwise have to delete everything to get the order I want which is a time consumer for large number of digital projects.)
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Reorder Products in eCommerce Store
Richard Hickman
Right now the store default lists the products on the product list page as oldest to newest. There needs to be an option to reorder these on the back end so the default sort is what we set it to, in addition to the new sorting features that the customer can now do.
Candice Shulé
Yes,this would be so helpful
Sales & Marketing
Sven Veenstra
Yes really needed!
Raffi Ohanian
Deleting them in bulk and having recently deleted wouldn't hurt either Sales & Marketing
Kristi Geimer
Order of Products in eCommerce Store should be an option.
Matt Nestasystems
Please Make this Happen!!!
Sales & Marketing
under review
Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
Intentionally rearrange products in E-Commerce (Or back end)
Brooke Haynes
I love the sort feature however we also need to be able to intentionally add in products in a certain way and Area. This can be done by rearranging on the actual site or in the back end under products.
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