Usage Widgets/Stats and Calculated Metrics for SMS, Conversation AI, Trigger Links, etc.
Dustin Miller
When trying to share usage stats in a dashboard it would be great to have widgets based on things like:
-# of SMS sent (total and segments)
-# of SMS incoming (total and segments)
-Trigger link clicks
-Conversation AI conversations
-Conversation AI messages
-Review requests sent
-Reviews received
One use case for this info (as if it needed one) is some customers want to know their usage in an easy format. Plus with Conversation AI, I would like to quantify how many conversations they DIDN'T have to have thanks to the bot and what kind of time/money savings that means for them.
Having a way to create calculated metrics based on things like this would be great too.
For example, " Total Conversation AI conversations X .15 hours X $20 per hour = Savings on staff resources"
Hope this makes sense.
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