Edit Agency Dashboard
Keenen Hauptfleisch
It would be great to edit the widgets on the Agency dashboard with information from your sub-accounts to create a dashboard with all sub-accounts data in one.
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Diana Simmons
We need this! We use the Sub Accounts for individual locations and Franchisees. We will need this in order to track all the locations data in our agency account so it helps us make better decisions. Right now I am looking into other companies to pull the data and create a dashboard for me.
Luis Gouveia
Highly requested. This would allow for me to track which of the saas programs are working better than others. Perhaps this can be added in the sub-agency dashboard that runs the the entire process.
Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
Filter Enterprise Dashboard by Category
Steve Querio
Allow the ability to create enterprise dashboards that can be filtered based upon sub-account category. As an example, if an agency was in the home services niche, they would want to filter their enterprise dashboards based upon plumbers, landscapers, roofers, etc.
Peter Hawke
Agree - not all of us sell sub-accounts to other business. Some of us use sub-accounts for our subsidiary businesses
Richard Skelton
Absolute necessity with our work