Filter conversations - by smartlist
Vlad Tseytkin
It would be very useful to be able to filter the conversations to see the conversations that belong to the smartlist contacts. For example, there are two employees who take care of a specific pipeline, and there is one employee who takes care of new leads only. So I would like the first 2 employees to see the conversations that only belong to the contacts who are in that pipeline. There is nothing wrong if they see all the conversations too, but for actual work they need to see only the pipeline conversations and reply to them, not to get distracted to others. No other conversations are relevant to them. So too, the 3rd employee for work only needs to see the conversations of the new contacts, who are contacting us for the first time and we have no names yet - so it would be very useful for this employee to be able to filter by a smartlist that shows only these conversations, and nothing else.
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Core Platform
Ryan Hartigan
Core Platform This has been marked upcoming for almost two years now. What does "upcoming" mean?
Jonathan October
Core Platform can we get an update please? Ryan Hartigan asked a good question
Vlad Tseytkin
So the conversations would have 3 options - "All conversations", "My conversations" (those assigned to me), and "Smartlist conversations" which would contain a drop box where I could choose a smartlist to filter by - i.e. to see the conversations that belong to the contacts of the smartlist.