Per Contact OFF/ON & bot status
in progress
Josh Martenson
Each contact needs to have a manual Conversation AI OFF/ON switch and a status light indicating the conversational followup mode manual response vs AI response.
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Cory Waugh
Would LOVE to turn off AI responses on the mobile app and not just the desktop version
Vanessa Lim
Also ability to on/off the bot when the contact is active on a specific workflow
Jonathan Mooney
What is the ETA on this feature being completed?
test test
Could also have Conversation AI on per pipeline or pipeline stage vs. the entire account, as we are wanting to have a switch on/off but if too many leads are coming in to manually go through and turn on/off. Would have to have a workflow to literally just turn them to Off. vs proactively having conversation AI only for a pipeline stage or pipeline itself instead of the entire account. Then moving past this if it was per pipeline stage or pipeline, you can then build out multiple bots per sub account to work in different pipelines or on different stages of the sales cycle.....lmk what yall think on this
test test
Puru Bansal
test test
Continuing the train of thought here. I'm assuming a lot of people are using conversational AI for FAQ's and company info which could be on for the entire pipeline. But the appointment bot could be turned on for a pipeline stage and as soon as they book the appointment now this bot is turned off automatically. Then with the ability to build multiple bots I could build a follow up bot or a secondary booking bot for later in a sales cycle if multiple appointments are needed and now on 'x' stage the secondary calendar bot reaches out to contact. From here lets say I won the client and I build a follow up bot that collects certain information later in the pipeline or sales cycle. Now we are talking auto on/off of bots per pipeline or per pipeline stage and they are proactively turning off. With one bot that can be on for all contacts the 'FAQ' bot while others run at different times or points where contact is needing to be made.
Puru Bansal
in progress
Puru Bansal
Merged in a post:
Enable/Disable Cnversational AI per specific contacts
Omid Fatouraee
Ability to either tag which contacts can receive response from conversational AI and which contacts can not.
For example have it AI BOT tag it will allow conversational AI to talk/respond to that contact and if the contact does not have that tag it will not engage in conversation.
Puru Bansal
Keith Besherse
Thank you Puru Bansal Thank you
Peter Olson
Once I assign a lead/opportunity to a sales agent, it makes sense to be able to turn off the AI autoreply so the sales agent can take over.
Plus, the AI if fairly worthless after an appointment is scheduled, it often needs human interaction afterwards for any further requests (like reschedule/cancel appointment or "please give me a call", etc...)
Puru Bansal
Tyler Bains
Where is this????
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