OpenAI ChatGPT Integration
Using an Alfred-style command bar on the Mac so we can send prompts while writing emails, text message, social captions etc. and perhaps blog posts/website copy too that have an added step of course to pacify Google for AI content.
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Arpit Sharma
Keith Besherse
Arpit Sharma, very nice
Harrison Magoutas
Please consider supporting this as well, BYOK (bring your own keys) for other foundational model providers.
Brandon Carrero
Hi I am need to use of Chat GPT 4o with DALL E. I have a API key from Chat GPT to use my tokens in order to run this. I would like to have a drop down from the AI drop list to include the above so that I can apply my API key from CHAT GPT. The bot is limited to Text only and photos are now mission critical at times when addressing customer responses. Specifically I am speaking when creating a form and uploading a photo the AI would take over and email an reply. I have accomplished this already in GHL I simply need the AI - Chat GPT 4o with DALL E to be in the dropdown to select.
Amy Corbin
Brandon Carrero - can you please send me an email? I’d like to talk to you about this if you have a few minutes. You’re going down the path that I am and I could use your wisdom if you’re willing.
George Bronson
This is a nice idea for AI Assist. Would also be terrific to have an option where appropriate (messaging, email) to engage a conversational bot within certain parameters.
Gena Lester
I would love to see a CHAT GPT vesion add to GHL, my customers are asking if they can add that
Teresa ster
This article is important for all. Initial engineering is one of the most important tasks for building a successful AI. This requires an in-depth understanding of the architecture, programming language, and algorithms used by your chosen AI platform. Knowing what to say and how to say it will help chat gpt 3 you get results quickly from your algorithm while avoiding unnecessary errors in communication that lead to confusion and frustration.
Core Platform
under review
David Holland
This option is available from which is a 3rd Party.
Brandon Guthrie
David Holland: I've heard has ChatGPT now integrated into it. Is there a way to zap Jasper through a webhook into GHL.
I'm assuming a customer replies, trigger a webook out to Jasper or ChatGPT. And then inbound webhook it back to GHL as a separate workflow that is a response workflow that then sends the response message body copy back to the contact.
I see potential holes here though. Have you tried this or figured this out yet?
David Holland
Brandon Guthrie: you can do this fair easily using Zapier. (Not Jasper just OpenAi)
Brandon Guthrie
David Holland: Hey David, thanks for confirmation on that. Customer Reply > Webhook out to Zapier Webhook URL > ChatGPT Zap Action Creates Response > Webhook out URL > Inbound Webhook GHL workflow Action > SMS. Would this do it?
Brandon Guthrie
Would ChatGPT need to be trained to set appointments with an appointment setting link as a prompt after the customer reply is received? "Take customer reply and book them into an appointment using this calendar link"