Make the conversation ai workflow action have a "No response" branch
Filip Kusy
It would be helpful if the conversation ai action in workflows had a default "No response" branch which would be pretty much be the same as the "time out" branch but it wouldn't put contacts in it if they have responded in a certain time period. Right now the time out branch waits for however long you set it to and then waits for a response in that time and if the contact doesn't respond they would go to the time out branch but if they do the timer would just reset and the ai would just wait for a reply in the set amount of time again to see if they respond or not. It would be helpful if there was a "No response" branch where you can pick out an amount of time it would wait for a response and if they don't respond in that time then they would be sent to that branch but if they do then nothing would happen, the contact would stay in the conversation ai action until it can figure out a branch to go in or until it would go in the time out branch. This would be helpful as we need to send different types of follow ups depending on if they just didn't reply at all to the message or if they have replied but just stopped talking.
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Clyde Grant
Yes! and probably even more ways to filter who we follow up with and how
Latosha Jones
yes this needs to happen, it would help out a lot with the flow of the conversation
Jessie Garrett
This absolutely has to happen