Live Chat Contact form
in progress
Drew Giffin
There needs to be a better way to set up a simple contact form for when the AI Chat can't answer a specific question. We need to be able to insert a contact form that we can trigger a new contact workflow.
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Sales & Marketing
in progress
Sales & Marketing
Merged in a post:
Email, Phone capture for Live chat
Jithin Sujala - Damar Tech
If live chat has the ability to add a lead capture form in the beginning it would be great to use live chat with conversational AI and automate live chat via website. But currently there is no way to capture lead details. Plus conversational ai isn't picking up and updating the contact details when the email and phone number shared by the lead during the AI chat. Same happens when appointment is booked. So it would be great to have a built in lead capture system for live chat just like sms chat
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Sales & Marketing
Ingrid Huszár
Absolutely neccesary. It should be a basic function.
Keith Besherse
Puru Bansal
Yousif Bodagh
+1 for this feature. Would be way more beneficial than promoting it after inactivity.
Keith Besherse
I recently spoke with Puru Bansal.
Recommendation: add "Be sure to ask for name, email, and phone if not already present in the contact record." to your Conversation/Workflow AI prompt.
Robert Gartside
Yeah this is crazy, it is absolutely needed.
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