AI to Handle Rescheduling & Cancellations
in progress
Nurudin Hadi
I’d like to request an improvement for the Conversation AI in GHL. Currently, the AI can assist with booking an appointment, but it cannot handle rescheduling or cancellations. This creates extra manual work for both customers and staff.
It would be helpful if the AI could:
Reschedule existing appointments when a customer requests a different date or time.
Cancel an appointment upon customer request and confirm the cancellation.
Ensure all changes update automatically in the booking system.
For example, if a customer says, “I need to change my appointment to next Wednesday”, the AI should check availability and update the booking. Similarly, if they say, “Can I cancel my appointment?”, the AI should be able to process it.
This would improve automation, reduce manual workload, and enhance the customer experience.
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Mia Barlow
Any update Abhishek Kumar on the release of this feature?
Abhishek Kumar
Mia Barlow we are currently developing it . after the development is done I will provide ETA
Mia Barlow
Abhishek Kumar Thank you Abhishek. I appreciate the quick reply. In the meantime we are planning on carrying this out manually or through workflows. I submitted my own feedback about the current workflow trigger cap if you can take a look- would be much appreciated!
Abhishek Kumar
Mia Barlow so you need more than 3 trigger a workflow trigger right ?we are increasing it in next 2 weeks , also developing that
Mia Barlow
Abhishek Kumar Correct! Love to hear that. We will be anxiously awaiting this increase & release. Thanks again-- appreciate what you do!
Abhishek Kumar
in progress
Abhishek Kumar
currently under development , we will release it soon
Rich Mittelstaedt
Abhishek Kumar how soon? :)
Abhishek Kumar
Rich Mittelstaedt in development currently