CRM Assign one owner in bulk action
Maher Massah
CRM, select more than one name to change the assigned owner for these contacts.
Other CRM platforms have this simply important option.
Please update this future as soon as possible.
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Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Mass Assign To User
Braeden Moffat
There needs to be a button in the smart lists section to mass assign contacts to a specific user. For example, selecting 50 contacts and then one button "Assign To" and select a user. I'm surprised this isn't a feature already. Going through the hoop of making a workflow and changing the user everytime is obnoxious.
Anthony Olivieri
Need this for assigning followers too!
MThomas AgencyAdmin
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT TO BE DONE :) What a garbage service if you cant bulk assign contacts to users
Wilson Enriquez
Desparately need this!
Maher Massah
Wilson Enriquez i'm trying to push them since day one i have put this idea, but till now they just planned it for (i don't know when it will be finished)
Aditya Jha
Maher Massah Wilson Enriquez this could help solve your problem. Let me know if interested.
Wilson Enriquez
Aditya Jhayeah, that seems like it would take care of it. Where would I do that?
Nic Verdino
Is this still missing? currently need to assign 317 contacts to one person and have no idea how to do it without going into every contact
Maher Massah
Nic Verdino the only available way now is to do in simple workflow, assign to user, then select the contacts you want, then add them to the workflow.
Aditya Jha
Nic Verdino are you still facing this issue?
Nic Verdino
Aditya Jha I can make it work through a workflow. But how do I split 100 contacts and assign 50 to one person and 50 to another?
Aditya Jha
Nic Verdino you can have 2 workflows for each owner and assign to the respective workflow. We found this cumbersome and built a solution for ourselves. Can share it if you're interested.
Nic Verdino
Aditya Jha ahhh. Interesting. If you could share that would great!
Sean Rodriguez
Currently need this
Aditya Jha
Sean Rodriguez still looking to solve this? built something for myself that i can share.
Mauricio Ortega
This is urgently needed, ALL customers are asking for it, it's embarrassing to say that you can't
Maher Massah
Mauricio Ortega true
Aditya Jha
Mauricio Ortega same. so we built a solution ourselves. let me know if interested.
Michelangelo Kwarteng
Use a workflow to achieve this
test 1
Michelangelo Kwarteng The point is to make it simple and easy. please add your vote.
Maher Massah
Michelangelo Kwarteng workflow is the long way, it should be just by one click. all other CRM do it in one click. it is one of the simple and main important tool. imagine a company with 40 call center staff, and they have every week or two staff changing, so they need to switch names very fast and easy.
Aditya Jha
Michelangelo Kwarteng great job. thank you for sharing this.
Pallavi Kothari
We recently released the feature to be able to bulk update owner in multiple opportunities in Labs.
Do check it out here:
Yusuf Young
Pallavi Kothari so good thank you Pallavi!
Tayla Cameron
Pallavi Kothari what about contacts though?
Nagui Bihelek
Pallavi Kothari Thanks but that’s not the same thing. We’re talking about selecting many contacts and assigning a user in bulk.
Pallavi Kothari
Nagui Bihelek Thanks for the request
We are working on updating owners of multiple contacts in bulk also next which will be built in a similar fashion to bulk edit of opportunities.
test 1
Pallavi Kothari thanks for the new update, but this is not the same as what we want, simply it is as what I've showed you in that meeting, we want this to be in the contacts where usually it is there in other CRM.
David Bennett
Pallavi Kothari, when is the expected rollout of this enhancement?
Marisa Amirian
Pallavi Kothariarr we going to get functionality to bulk edit all custom fields in contacts?
Maher Massah
Pallavi Kothari not all the contacts are in opportunities, many of them are not.
simple make it available on the contact selection, and it is simple programming. please add it there, it is not logical to wait for almost one year for a simple update.
Maher Massah
Pallavi Kothari the opportunity way, it is more complicated than adding names in the first place, if you don't have the exact setup for uploading a file without missing anything it will not work, and it won't let you know what happened.
simply when is this idea will be implemented since it is planned? we have finished the 2024 year and it is still not moved. since GHL have updated so many things are not more important than this simple one important tool. (it is really strange)
Tory Smith
This is such a basic fundamental thing. Idea submitted 7 months ago, is there an ETA?
Aditya Jha
Tory Smith if you're still looking to solve this, you can use the solution we built for ourselves
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