Company Name and Business Name Not Aligned
Michael Rapino
The contact card has Business Name, but this data is currently separate from what you are calling Company Name.
In the contact list view, business name is show, but not company name. This requires me to create a double entry with company info and business info.
Most CRMs connect company to the contact more efficiently.
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Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Improve the company's functionality in contacts.
Gerson Ramirez
In my example, you have a "company" called McDonald's that you are already filling in the information there, both its data and everything else, and in contacts you have a Business Name section with the information that you already filled in in company. It would be good if they added that Workflows automatically fill Business Name of the Company or something that improves the filling experience
Chris Douglas
Agree with many previous commentors that it makes no sense why a single person has two references for the name of who they work for. At most, as one commentor said about how they use these fields, there could be multiple locations under a company and contacts may be at different locations, but there should only be one "Name" tying all of the contacts together.
Brooke Mueller
We're having the same issue.
Seth Wixtrom
The main issue here is that the labels are misleading. There is no reference in Custom Value/Fields to the company object/data until this issue is completed - The Business Name field is referenced by {{contact.company_name}}, which should be {{contact.business_name}}. However, in some of the workflows actions, but not all, it is labeled as Company Name, when the referenced field is Business Name.
The obvious solution is to have the Business Name field use {contact.business_name}}, and have all the associated labels use "Business Name". Save all the "Company Name" labels and shortcode for the company object.
James D
I use them separately but not always, I think there should be an option that when the contact is created they are aligned but you can optionally edit them separately.
Here is an example of how I use them separately:
Name: Tim
Business name: Apple Fifth Avenue
Business Address: 767 Fifth Avenue, New York
Company: Apple
Company Address: 1 Apple Park Way
So Business is specific to who the contact works for and Company is the overall company and head office.
If my contact works for a specific sub company it lets sort contacts later, say someone works for a specific Instagram office then their Business is Instagram but their company is Metta, so if I go onto Metta I can see people that work for Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp all grouped together.
I agree with this post that they should auto fill initially on filling in the Business name it should copy that to the Company as a lot of the time they do align, but if I import contacts with different companies and business connected I want them to be different.
I would say 75% of my contacts have a different company and Business name
Jill Miller
James D did you find a workaround or a solution?
Keith Besherse
Varun Vairavan Why are they even two different things? What is the difference? Chase Buckner, Sales & Marketing, Core Platform
Alexa Rosario
Yes absolutely. Just did an import and realized how confusing this is.
Ben Schablowski
Sales & Marketing , please look into this ASAP.
The business name and company name should be aligned.