Assign multiple companies to a single contact
Manuel Montiel
In case your sub-account has contacts owned by several companies and each one of them requires a different service. For example: In the audit business several Quality managers handles 3 or 4 production facilities and each one need a different service.
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Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Allow contact to multiple "Companies"
Richard Rosenthal
System currently allows contact to be only connected to only one company. the same contact can be associated with multiple companies.
Jared Kirkpatrick
I have Lawn Company Clients That Need to have Multiple Companies Tied To One Contact and Be able to Bill Each Company Separately. I got off the zoom with Support Saying This Is NOT Possible. Platform Limitation.
Shane Veldhuizen
Hoping this is still coming!
Nagy Zsolt
i saw that this is one upcoming feature! when it will be launched/estimated? as its very important for our clients as majority of the business people who we are working with have more then 1 company!
Nagy Zsolt
it would be important!
The Creative Offices
+1! Would love to know the status on this. It was marked "Upcoming" more than a year and a half ago...
Nagy Zsolt
The Creative Offices i a looking for the same answer. as this is a huge need for our clients.
Zach Boulanger
This would be a game changer. For our B2B business we track things by "location" and we have many small business owners who own multiple locations. We'd like to store data and have custom fields by each company, but also be able to attach the owner to all the locations they are associated with.
Dannielle Spencer
I'm an accountant and have this same issue too. Also an important consideration would be creating custom fields and automations from the company object rather than the contact object. Right now all of my custom fields are under the contact. If the contact has more than one business there is no way to gather an store additional information.
Up vote this is a must. I doubt the owner of gohighlevel only has one company !!
Jason Miller
Would love to have it. We deal with business owners that have many companies and only being able to assign one company to a contact is rough.
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