Ability to search notes for key words
Kelly Bohm
Useful for clients that use the notes section for their database. Easy to search an idea or key word.
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Rick Anderson
Please make the search a function of the filters. We note all order details and it would be ideal to be able to pull a list of all contacts who have ordered a specific SKU, or product name, etc
Kevin Schulthies
A must have, notes should be searchable from the website and app. Surprised its not.
Liz Hester
We're going to Utah and it would help if we could search our notes for Salt Lake for anyone in the area, even if they didn't fill in their city, it's in our notes.
Matthew Miller
I'm getting desperate on this. Looking into building a Google Sheet with Zapped in notes and contact record so I can search the Sheet.
Morgan Gutierrez
this would be SO helpful!
Steven Rodriguez
Any news?
Taylor Dye
Need this ASAP! Very difficult to remember a contact's name after a few months, but remembering some of the keywords from a conversation (which I always enter in notes) is much easier.
Seb Per
Yes please. Some clients report not remembering the contacts name or email, but they remember keywords they used when writing a note. It's frustrating for them because then they have go through a list of contacts to find it
Lex Case
Yes. This please!
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