Bulk Import for Companies
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Charmane Ackerman
Hello I'd like to put my vote in for this. As someone who is transferring from AgencyBloc to Go High Level, it is essential to place my carriers/companies that I work with in as a life insurance agent.
Darriel Kelly
This is critical for companies with large lists of companies with several contacts.
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Ability to Import COMPANY info & import COMPANY custom field info
Ashlie V
You guys released the ability to now have custom fields on company records and no longer have to have a fake contact to house company custom fields. The major issue now is people who want to utilize company and they house specific information on custom fields, you dont allow any imports. We have over 700 companies we would like to import into GHL with correlating custom fields that need to be filled, but you cant because you can still only import contacts and fill CONTACT custom fields.
Brandy Rosenblum
This is an important feature
Keith Besherse
Yes. Please. Glenn Wasserman needs this desperately!
Drew Lints
Yes! This is very important… along with workflow actions that update custom fields in Companies
Liron Benshoshan
I have 400+ companies that are attached to my contacts from 5 years of operations. If bulk import is unavailable, how does HighLevel expect me to set up all of my accounts within the system and attach them to my contacts? This would take hours of manual work. It's a basic request if you expect us to migrate from other third-party solutions like Monday, HubSpot, and many others that do offer that when migrating to their platform.
This is a major deal breaker for me and my clients as we are strictly B2B and all contacts are tied to a company. I'm surprised this wasn't prioritized until now.
Edward Perry
I understand the system creates companies automatically from the information in the contacts, but when a client is migrating from a CRM that exports companies as a separate CSV (which most do) it takes a lot of CSV magic to get the company information into the contacts CSV to be able to upload it. Having a dedicated company information uploader would make this process all MUCH easier and would be very impactful for B2B clients.
Pallavi Kothari
Merged in a post:
Ability to bulk import companies via csv
Joel Jbonghl
Imagine you have a list of Google business listings but not many specific contacts for those businesses. I would like to be able to import those companies, and then get more contacts for those businesses at a later time.
Maximilian Loose
yes, this is needed. I need to input 350 companies, what do I do? Core Platform
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