Associate BUSINESS and COMPANY from Contact/Company
Alexa Rosario
There is currently a "business name" field on the contact and a company. Its very confusing.
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Liron Benshoshan
Frustrating issue to solve. I've been on many calls and asked around and i hit a wall every time. Very basic need of a b2b business. PLEASE HELP!
Liron Benshoshan
TOTALLY AGREE!!! these fields are so confusing not only to me but to the entire team. They don't understand where to log the information and when done incorrectly it breaks the sync and it turns into a rabbit-hole.
This is a very basic need of a B2B business, not only thy do not sync and confusing you cannot create a new company (account) from the contact profile which you just created, therefore you need to exit and go to company settings and create a new company then link it back to the account. Very time consuming for no reason.
100% this is a MUST for B2B businesses!
Karen Cundiff
Agree. What is the difference??