Customize client portal
in progress
Alyssa Rispoli
Please allow the option to customize the client portal. Turn on or off the affiliate option, maybe we do not have an affiliate plan and want to remove that from our client portal. Also allow custom CSS so we can customize our client portal.
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HoopAI Admin
Is there an ETA for this Shreyas Birajdar
Isa Ibrahim Bradara AGENCY
I would love to see the client portal and communities available in different languages as well
Charles Little
Please add the ability to customize Community Group Event Calendar notifications. In my events the attendees are pre-registered as these are "Internal" events and need a different message than what is currently offered as the standard.
Shreyas Birajdar
Merged in a post:
Customize client portal login screen
Paul Read
We have limited options when customizing the client portal login screen. For example, it would be good to configure whether we show the portal name, logo, change font etc.
Right now, if we have a portal image, the portal name & logo will display over the top, which can look really bad on some resolutions.
Shreyas Birajdar
Merged in a post:
Text colors
Laudonia Henry
Default color for branding in client portal is white. Please update for us to be able to change this.
Kaylee Margison
YES!! This would be awesome. More customization in general is needed. There's not much for us to do now
Jonathan Puu
this is going to help so much once it's out
NextGen Local
In addition to allowing customisation - I would also like to see clients be able to log in and manage their own bookings/appointments - create new, rescheduling, cancellations. It would be nice to be able to let them self manage details like address, payments, etc.. View basic information from CRM like service history.
Brian Cook
NextGen Local precisely!
Kevin Jones
Any word on delivery date? Need in a bad way. I want to build a site behind an authentication wall that allows access to the crm, opportunities and custom objects data, so that we can create a real client portal with few limitations.
Gabe Legion Schillinger
Would also love the ability to change/translate the names of the apps. For example, we sell digital downloads, templates, etc, and "Courses" really doesn't make sense for our audience.
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