What's New?
  • Today businesses can only create coupons for subscription products where either the coupon is applied only on the first payment or it is applied on all payments till the subscription ends/cancels.
  • With this enhancement, businesses will be able to
    define the time period
    till which they would like the coupon to apply.
  • When creating or editing the coupon, an additional check will allow businesses to apply the coupon for
    "Multiple Months" instead of "Forever"
    and provide a number (months) as input.
  • The coupon will apply for all payments collected for the subscription from the date subscription product is purchased up to the months mentioned under "Multiple Months".
  • This setting does not consider the frequency of the product i.e. irrespective the frequency is weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual, the coupon will apply for the defined number of months for any payment due against the subscription.
  • For existing coupons, the settings by default would be "Forever" if the checkbox was ticked before.
Where can you find these settings?
  • Payments > Coupons > Add Coupons
  • Payments > Coupons > Edit Coupons
Coming Up Next?
Further coupon enhancements in the coming quarter by introducing coupon code based triggers and allowing generation of single use coupons.
Help Doc Link:
Sample Screenshots:
image (16)
image (15)