# New Enhancements
  • We’ve improved the new number buying flow so it now
    displays a mix of all different types of numbers when searched without an area code
    . An example of Australia as a country is shown below:
Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 4
  • Number Buying Flow:
    We will only ask for an address bundle after the selection of a Phone Number, which is dynamic based on the Regulatory compliance of specific countries.
  • Business Profile Tab:
    Email and Phone Number field basic validation check added to decrease the risk of wrong data being provided.
  • LC Phone Migration:
    Migration of New agencies and Sub-Accounts to LC Phone is temporarily disabled, as we work to ensure compliance.🛠
  • Phone Number Migration:
    Emergency addresses for the losing phone numbers will be automatically removed to avoid migration failure and sub-accounts stuck in processing.
  • Sub-account Migration:
    Gaining SID will be shown to the agency while a sub-account is in migration to LC Phone.
We will soon be live with the
new A2P Compliance
Flows, Explore More here. 👈