Ad Manager
Ad Manager: Leads and Sales Details in Ad Statistics
We have added few details to Ad Manager Statistics section in order to show apt information to the users and add value to their ad campaign reporting experience.
What's New?
- Leads and Sales details
- If leads or sales values for any campaign is greater than 0, then an icon is shown next to the respective number.
- On click of the leads or sales icon, a modal opens up showing the respective 'Leads' and 'Opportunities Closed' details.
- Option to export both the 'leads' and 'opportunities closed' data as a .csv exists by clicking on the 'Export' button.
- Functionality to export campaign data as a .csv file by clicking on the 'Export' button is added to all campaigns and individual campaign table for users to download the metrics data.
- Another metric column named, "Results" is added to the All and individual campaign details table. It refers to, "The number of times that your ad achieved an outcome, based on the objective selected."
- Correction of the calculated ROI and CPL values.
- ROI percentage values is fixed at 2 decimal places
- Formula to calculate CPL is Spend/Leads