See which bulk action a contact has gone through (for troubleshooting)
Yusuf Young
We recently noticed that for hundreds of contacts, some important tags were deleted. However, we don't know which bulk action was used to perform this.
We have to go through our tens of different bulk actions from the list of bulk actions to see which one it might have been, to be able to understand exactly what was done and to re-apply those tags.
It would be much easier if we could just go to one of the contacts and see which bulk actions they have been part of, and when they were added to those bulk actions. Then we'd immediately be able to identify which bulk action was used to delete those tags.
This is one example - but it's a frequent occurrence that you might want to check which bulk action any given contact has been part of. Please add some kind of interface on the contact record itself where we can see which bulk actions it has been part of.
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