create a scheduler to be able to schedule X amount of texts on days and times of choice in one fell swoop
for example
  • list of 2,000 contacts with one tag (make it so you don’t have to do different tags)
  • be able to send 100 texts per day on the days of your choice at the time of your choice until the list runs out OR you can plug in a pre determined total jumber
  • so if the list is 2,000, but you want to send 100 texts per days M, Tu and Friday only at 9am and cap it at 1,000 out of the 2,000 (identified by one tag) you can do that on a bulk scheduler
when I say send 100/day I also mean just the ability to add 100/day at that time to a campaign and the campaign will dictate if it’s an immediate text, email, VM, or “wait” etc...but also having the ability to just schedule one off texts WITHOUT it being part of a campaign would be awesome
one last the ability to track this somehow, so we can sort by people that already got added to the campaign so if we want to send to the 2nd half of the list, you don’t want to double hit these people and also so we can track stats etc