Find Opportunity
Gian Fabella
Add Find Opportunity as an additional Workflow Action same as Find Contact this action is also essential for cases like if you would like to automate a process of determining in which Pipeline and or Pipeline Stage is the Opportunity sitting at.
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Steven Haye
Pallavi Kothari Is there a reason why we can only find the latest or first opportunity? Does this mean if a contact has three opportunities associated with them, it would not be possible to update the second one? Is there any plan to allow us to just find opportunity by ID?
Robert Wazlavek
Steven Haye If you add additional fields to the find opportunity action, it should use those fields to find the opportunity. For example, "find the newest opportunity WITH opportunity ID equals X".
Steven Haye
Robert Wazlavek would this retrieve the opportunity with ID x if it was not the newest one? Thanks!
Robert Wazlavek
Steven Haye Yes because it is the newest opportunity with that particular ID, if that makes sense. The two things work together. The custom fields further refine the search. So theoretically, if two opportunities had the exact same ID, then it would select the newest one. But with the opportunity ID in particular, this would never happen, so it would only find one opportunity every time (if you used IS and not contains).
Steven Haye
Robert Wazlavek oh ok, so it will be the newest with the ID which would be unique, and would return the correct opportunity? Thanks for the clarification!
Pallavi Kothari
Steven Haye Yes Yes !
Thanks much for testing out the action!!
Ty Averett
Pallavi Kothari Is there a reason why this is a date picker instead of giving options like "date is before" "after" "newer than" "last x days" etc. Like in other workflow actions?
Pallavi Kothari Question, how can i retrieve the Opportunity ID? I can only find the contact ID in the dynamic records
Kevin Jones
Pallavi Kothari Possible Bug.
I want to update a specific opportunity using a GHL form and Workflow.
- Trigger when a form is submitted...,
- Find Opportunity: Opportunity ID is something like {{formfield.opportunity_id}}...,
- update Opportunity... update various custom opportunity fields.
I have a custom_field on a form that will hold the Opportunity ID, either populated with a url parameter or allow the user to input the Opportunity ID.
GHL support could not figure out how to assign the value of the form field to the Opportunity ID. I obviously do not want to hard code the Opportunity ID in the Enter a value box. I want to automate this value from the form submission.
How would I do this?
attached is screenshot of the Opportunity ID is ____________________
we should be able to populate the value box with form field values or some other automated way. The only way to populate the value box now is to hard code it, which will not work.
Kevin Jones
Aal EL MOGHRABI D. did you ever get an answer?
Pallavi Kothari
This is now possible
We just released a bunch of actions on opportunities. Check out the changelog here :
Thanks a lot for all the feedback!!
Chaz Williams
Pallavi Kothari
I've also found a possible bug, I've created a workflow for "find opportunity" to help get leads through the pipeline and it works great. The bug is that if you click back into "find opportunity" it reverts it from whatever stage it was set to back to the main stage. For us the main stage is "New Lead" and then 1st contact, 2nd, 3rd, future, needs adjustment. So if I click on one that I had set to 1st contact, it reverts back to New Lead and I have to change it back to 1st. But it runs and tests fine, but the fact it wipes it could be a challenge and issue when creating complicated workflows that you want to verify everything being correct ahead of time.
Ty Averett
Pallavi Kothari Here's another bug. I'm recreating an 'update/create opportunity' action as a 'create opportunity' action and where I was previously able to use a placeholder (in this case an inbound webhook result), in the new workflow action I cannot
Cameron Smith
this was slotted for Q4 2024
Prasoon Dadhich
Cameron Smith We ran into some issues and the scope got increased significantly, that is why the delay. Sorry for that, we are trying to release it this quarter itself.
Amir Omar
Prasoon Dadhich Hey Parsoon, i've emailed you to be a tester of this feature but have not recieved a response. Please let me know if this is available.
Prasoon Dadhich
Amir Omar Noted
Nic Ruebel
Prasoon Dadhich I will reach out every single day until we get some sort of update. Please give us an update on this.
Prasoon Dadhich
Nic Ruebel we are currently testing this with a few users. Please email me your agency id and location ids if you want to be a part of it. Email -
Nic Ruebel
Prasoon Dadhich Done
Graham Admin Mattock
Prasoon Dadhich - I just sent you an email, thank you so much!!
Jeffrey Lau
Prasoon Dadhich Done. I have sent you an email. Please check
Robert Wazlavek
Prasoon Dadhich I emailed you as well.
Marc Pernato
Prasoon Dadhich I just sent you an email. Thanks
Amir Omar
Prasoon Dadhich Just sent an email Parsoon. Thanks!
Mitch Moxon
Nic Ruebel Prasoon Dadhich how is the testing going?
Amir Omar
Christopher Cool
We really need this! Please!!
Nic Ruebel
Prasoon Dadhich can you please provide us with an update or timeline on when this will be released?
Drew Lints
any updates???? Was counting on this for February 15
Denzel Giraldo
Any updates? Prasoon Dadhich
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