Copy WorkFlow Steps Between WorkFlows
James Hurst (ddxweb)
In Make and Zapier, you can copy steps from one workflow to another and this would be amazing to have HighLevel as well. Zapier is good to grey out the missing stuff that needs to be reconfigured etc. That would also be good to think through.
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Prasoon Dadhich
Alex Mroué
Prasoon Dadhich This would save so much time! When can we expect to have this feature?
Prasoon Dadhich
Alex Mroué We are still working on the final requirements here, not sure about the timelines as of now
Prasoon Dadhich
Merged in a post:
copy workflow actions to other flows
Mike Cuypers
Be able so select parts of the workflow and copy them within the workflow or copy them to other workflows. ctrl c + crtrl v style.
John Naccarato.
Yes! Definitely needed.
Kevin Nape
I would have used this basically every single day I've ever used HighLevel. please add this feature!!!
Simon Heit
I needed this today! Would be also cool to be able to copy to other sub accounts, even those not under the same agency. Just like Snapshots
Prasoon Dadhich
Merged in a post:
Copy or Move Action to Another Workflow
Ed Preble
Presently, we can copy or move and action to another location within an existing workflow. It would be great to be able to copy or move an action to another workflow.
Use cases:
- Need for identical actions in more than one workflow (eliminates time to recreate from scratch)
- A single workflow becomes too big and bloated. Everything is already built but just need to move a set of actions into a new workflow to handle that specific group of actions.
Prasoon Dadhich
Merged in a post:
Copy / paste in workflow
Alec Minkoff
It would be so nice to copy and paste repetitive actions in the workflows. And move stuff around as well.
Tiyana Robinson
This is MUCH needed!
Rashid Huseyn
That would speed up workflow creation significantly. Much needed!
Apache Truyts
also being able to just hold shift and choose multiple steps and then say clone, delete or copy & paste would have saved me more than 100 hours already
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