Add opportunity custom fields into automations merge variables
Yusuf Young
Use case: We have a premium action "Send data to Google Sheet". The data we send should contain some opportunity custom fields.
For example, in our opportunities, we have created a custom field called "Product". We want to send this data to our sheet with automations.
(In the same vein, please also make it possible to get these custom fields when exporting an opportunity.)
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Core Platform
Hello everyone, We added the opportunity custom fields to all actions now - Team Workflow
Yusuf Young
Core Platform: Super impressive and awesome work! This makes a big difference :)
Yusuf Young
Core Platform: Hi, sorry but it's not there. Please see screenshot.
Yusuf Young
Core Platform: I have created a new feature request for it:
Would be great if this was fixed. Thanks.
Nick Turnbull
Core Platform: It's still not working? Any update? All my workflows are toast at the moment with opportunity fields.
Core Platform
in progress
Yusuf Young
Core Platform: Wow that was fast :D So impressive and awesome!
Core Platform
under review