Add "Has Tag" / "Does Not Have Tag" Filters to All Triggers
Donald Moore
Currently, we can only filter contacts by their Tags if they enter a Workflow using the Contact Created/Updated Triggers and it can only filter contacts that
a tag. It would be nice, in case we're trying to filter contacts who are tagged "lead/prospect" and not "client" to be able to filter those contacts out using the Filters section on any Trigger.If it's too difficult to get it to work on all triggers, it would at least be nice to have "Does Not Have Tag" added to Contact Create/Updated and both "Has Tag" and "Does Not Have Tag" added to the Tag Added trigger.
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Pedro Diaz Ramos
Need this too! I want to filter out contacts that do not have a specific tag
Prasoon Dadhich
Prasoon Dadhich
Merged in a post:
"Tag added" filter for Workflow: Triggers in any "tag added" event without needing a specific tag
Carilyn Tolentino
Currently, to use "tag added" as a trigger, we need to specify which tag was added. What we need is for the workflow to activate on any "tag added" event, without requiring a specific tag.
Alexandra Gendes
I would say that also having the opposite is beneficial, trigger when a “tag is removed”
Jason Escalante
I just tested it and I used the tag trigger and Idid not add a filter and choose a random tag and it triggered my workflow without having to specify when I tested.
Carilyn Tolentino
Jason Escalante Yes, not adding a filter will still trigger the workflow when a tag is added OR removed. This post is to request an option to trigger the workflow ONLY when a tag is added.
Core Platform
under review
Don Higbee
In addition, the "Has Tag" and "Does Not Have Tag" trigger should check the current state of the contact in the event a tag was added or changed outside of the current workflow and not rely on the contact details when the contact enters the workflow.