Add Followers to Opportunities - Workflow
Sam Lubben
We have the automation to add follower to a contact now, however it would give me back so much time if we can also have an automation for the opportunities.
Owner is X - Followers are XYZ
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Pallavi Kothari
This is now possible
We just released a bunch of actions on opportunities. Check out the changelog here :
Thanks a lot for all the feedback!!
Zara Mcconnell
I really desperately need this function to assign followers to the opportunity card from my work flow automatically. Without this my sales manager nor sales admin can not see what the sales team are working on and help the pipeline process.
Alex Pitcher
Please also allow the function in the API
Mason Kerns-Harper
This is a no brainer, and if somebody is a follower on the contact they system should be automatically making them a follower of the opportunity.
Romulo Pereira
Support GHL Do we have a plan or a solution on how to allow followers of the contacts to see the same contacts in the opportunity Tab?
Rukhma Riaz
We need to automate the process to add follower at opporunity level.
Stephen Turner
GHL Team, are there any updates on this? It is good to be able to add a follower to a contact, but in order to keep oversight for managers, it would be a huge benefit to be able to add a follower to an Opportunity via a workflow. Thank you for all that you do, it is appreciated!
Garth Epp
yes please! definitely needed
Garth Epp
In working with clients with larger sales teams, this is very needed.
Romulo Pereira
How Many Votes do we need for this to go up to production?
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