Agency Level In New Oauth API
under review
Scott Heliker
From my understanding the V1 API will be deprecated eventurally. Currently we and others use this to automate insertion of API keys after a new account is created. We are not able to do this with the Oauth unless we can pass in and Agency API key when authorizing which then would allow us to populate a RPC with all the sub account under that Agency which then would allow us to map in the API keys in situations where we need things to happen dynamically.
Example. Creaeting a new sub acount and loading a snapshot thru the API then taking that response from the newly created account to update the custom values on that account. We can't do this without dynamically passing the API key from the new account to the update custom values endpoint dynamically.
There are a few othe instances we ourselves and I know many others use so I hope they consider and alternative with the Oauth by allowing us to pass in our Agency API keys so we have the option to make an Agency connection to then dynamically pass in locations we want to make the API call to.
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Bret Dunlap
Does any one know how to create a connection with the GHL Oauth 2 I can do it with the http Oauth 2 but cant seam to get the GHL module to connect
Core Platform
under review
Automation YouEarn
Core Platform: This could likely be addressed by allowing a flag to be set on the OAuth request payload 'GetAccessCodebodyDto' to allow all locations to be set instead of having an explicit list of locations defined, so that when we select all it means 'all' and not 'all of the currently available'.
The consequent of the current design is that if we add a new location after we have generated our token and selected all Locations it is returning a defined list at the time of generation via 'approvedLocations' in the 'GetAccessCodeSuccessfulResponseDto' response, this caused the '
/oauth/locationToken' calls to fail with any new location after the authentication was setup.
Automation YouEarn
Core Platform is there any update on whether this functionality is/was accepted into the roadmap?
Ed Preble
Would also like ability to create Snapshots using Oauth
Jacob Radcliffe
Since this is the highest upvoted post on this topic my two cents is this: If we have enough permissions to create and delete a location/users then why don't we have enough permissions with agency tokens to create/update a custom value? This is not an issue of security. This is simply adding more abilities of the agency token on additional endpoints that are mission critical. At an absolute bare minimum we need custom values endpoints for agency tokens. If they don't make that change, agencies entire business models will no longer be viable with creating accts via api and pushing content in them without SAAS mode.
Anthony CRM Admin
Please vote for my request: Eventually, I think a few of these posts will be merged.
Georgi Anastasov
Yes, this is the main reason we are still using the V1 API.
However keep in mind that OAuth has a completely different philosophy for authentication (User comes first) and provides limitations based on scopes, It might be possible to create a location trough the API, but it would be impossible to fully utilize it before a user authenticates with your app/platform/integration
Anthony CRM Admin
Georgi Anastasov: Please vote for my request:
Greg Hadley
It's frankly ridiculous to me that people paying $297 a month will lose access to an API we used to have access to.
Doesn't make sense to me we won't have access to API 2.0.
Scott Heliker
Greg Hadley: They are supposed to come up with a solution for all the endpoints in V1 to be available in V2 before deprecating it.