Agency Level API
under review
Anthony CRM Admin
I need the ability to add a contact into any subaccount. Having my agency API key with the ability to choose which subaccount to add a contact to would be tremendously helpful and reduce the number of complex coding and additional API keys needed to accomplish this.
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Scott Heliker
They have a create a location access token you can use to access sub account endpoints but agree, I thought they would have allowed access via the Agency token. For now, we create location tokens on the fly with the agency token and do it that way.
Tero Vaalamäki
We should have the ability to use subaccount calendars etc with the agency level authentication.
As long as I refer to the correct subaccount and calendar ID I should be able to access the calendar with my agency oAuth 2 credentials.
Vince Lauro
Edit: Sorted it. The API Doc seems to have a error on this page. For some reason they removed the "authorisation: Bearer 123" in the sample code header so it kept returning a not authorised error.
Asmaa Mahmoud
Vince Lauro please can send me the correct payload required at this api when I use it unauthorized error is appear
Vince Lauro
Asmaa Mahmoud Its been a while but if I assume you are on the Step. "Get Location Access Token from Agency Token" you can try below request
curl --request POST \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 123' \
--header 'Version: 2021-07-28' \
--data companyId= \
--data locationId=
Asmaa Mahmoud
Vince Lauro when use this payload error changed to this {
"statusCode": 401,
"message": "The token is not authorized for this scope."
} i use token created from private integration from go high level agency account but when created new integration and put scopes i don't find scope oauth.write at dropdown can you know a problem?
Vince Lauro
Asmaa Mahmoud Hmm not sure. All I remember is that it was a huge pain especially before I found that bug in the sample. This video helped me a bit.
Core Platform
under review
Anthony CRM Admin
Additionally, this agency API Key should have the same functionality across all accounts as a sub-account API key.
Inayet Hadi
Hi Anthony CRM Admin: I have done a walk through how to automate your V2 OAuth for your entire agency. Here is my video hosted at Descript
Inayet Hadi: fab keep 'em coming.
Abdel Beldy
Inayet Hadi: This is not a very good guide. At the most important point where we're supposed to use the secret JWT, you don't even show where to use it, what variable name to use or even what API url to call.
Sead Rastoder
Abdel Beldy I Agree!