Texts should generally be sent between 8 AM and 9 PM (recipient’s local time) to comply with TCPA rules here in the U.S. Some state laws have even stricter restrictions, further increasing the risk of non-compliance.
The ability to set active rules around when a missed call text back can send is essential to the ease of enabling this feature while ensuring compliance. Currently, without built-in time restrictions, both Go High Level and its users are exposed to potential TCPA violations, which could lead to legal consequences, customer complaints, and reputational damage.
By implementing time-based controls within the platform, users can confidently enable missed call textbacks without the risk of violating federal or state laws. This enhancement would not only protect users but also reduce liability for Go High Level as a provider of the technology.
I strongly encourage the addition of time restriction settings to ensure that this feature can be used safely, effectively, and legally.